J-traditional music show "雅"

- ホーム
- ナイトタイムエコノミーへの取り組み
- J-traditional music show “雅”

Date:2018,2,7(wed) 日程:2018年2月7日(水)
Start:20:00 (open:19:30) 時間:20時より(19時30分開場)
Show charge 8,500 (JPY) 料金:8,500円
Venue:salon de Fuzanbo “FOLIO” (Fuzanbo building B1, Kandajimbocho1-3, Chiyodauku, Tokyo)
*You can make a payment by credit card or cash at door.
*If you need more information, please send us E-mail. (takaba@kreis.co.jp)
*We accept on the day. Please come visit !!
GAGAKU is a kind of Japanese traditional music. It has been famous for “shrine music” for centuries.
GAGAKU consists of three parts, strings (BIWA,KOTO),wind instruments (RYUTEKI,HICHIRIKI,SHOU),Percussion instruments(KAKKO,TAIKO,SYOUKO).
We promise to entertain you!
The Japanese classical dance with shrine music.
We have a hands-on course for Japanese traditional instruments after show.
We are preparing to sell instruments —RYUTEKI—, for beginners.